
Industrial equipment for high precision

The Garnier Durand machinery park offers a real set of high-precision technical equipment dedicated to all industrial worlds.

To satisfy our aerospace customers, such as those in the nuclear and medical fields, machines require a wide variety of specificities, and the wealth of our fleet meets the challenge.

Ensemble de poupées fixe Nakamura


Realization of mechanical parts whose shapes are derived from a revolution of a profile around an axis, creating a volume such as a cylinder, a cone… by moving cutting tools on a virtual plane.

  • Stationary lathe: NAKAMURA (x3: 2 WT150 and 1 WY100)
  • Fixed-headstock: NAKAMURA MX100
  • Stationary lathe: HARDINGE (x4)
  • Sliding headstock: DECO 2000 (x3)
  • Sliding headstock: STAR (x3)
  • Conventional lathe (x2)

Machining process that involves removing material from a room using electric shocks.

  • FANUC α-oiE: machine for complex parts and materials
Homme travaillant avec une machine d'électroérosion


Zoom sur une machine de fraisage


Machining process by removal of material. It is characterized by the use of a machine tool, the milling machine. It removes material in the form of chips.

  • 5-axis machining centers (x2)

Removal of burrs from parts, completion of the sandblasting process, tribofinition, marking of parts.

  • Tapping machine
  • Raudeuse SUNNEN
  • Ultrasonic wash
  • Tribofinition
  • Marking
  • Binocular control
  • Greasing
Notre espace finition


Machine optique de métrologie

Metrology control

Final inspection, metrology, and calibration. Parts conformity check, calibration of measuring instruments. This guarantees and qualifies the parts «good» before departure at the customers.

  • Three-dimensional
  • MA optical machines (x2)
  • Shape measurement
  • Hardness machines (x2)

Operation intended to improve its surface condition if necessary.

  • PIL
Notre machine de rectification
